I'm an Australian born digital + UI/UX designer, front end dev, graphic + print designer, writer, and fluent Italian speaker. My career is split across two very different but complementary skill sets:

Design + Front End Dev is my day job. I enjoy it, I've been doing it for a million years and I think I do ok.

Writing is something I've done since I was old enough to form sentences. However, until I reach Larry David status, it's not exactly funding my retirement. So, I run my own publication empire called Pussweek which I created from scratch (pun intended). It began as a passion project, and with a lot of hard work I'm now an internationally published author, so I'm pretty excited about that.

I use most Adobe Creative Suite programs at expert level.
• I like After Effects, Premiere Pro, Audition, and Media Encoder for video editing.
• For print I use InDesign.
Photoshop is my go-to for retouching imagery, for digital design, sometimes for storyboarding, and also for fun.
Illustrator is what I use for... well... illustrating. I use a trackpad. For hand/pencil illustration I'm keen on Procreate.
• To write code I prefer Sublime Text.
• To write copy, columns, and books I use Microsoft Word or plain old Google Docs.
• I can make any presentation pretty (and even make graphs look fascinating) in Powerpoint, Google Slides, or even Keynote.
• I create HTML5 ads with Adobe Animate, Google Web Designer, AdForm, Celtra, and whatever's new.

When I'm not working I like to write, travel, photograph stray food, avoid the sun, cure ailments with memes, and make art. I'm an active advocate for mental health issues, gender equality, child safety, and animal welfare. I'm a proud ally of the LGBTQIA+ community.